Madeleine E. G. Parker


Peer-reviewed publications

Parker, M. E., Li, M., Bouzaghrane, M. A., Obeid, H., Hayes, D., Frick, K. T., Rodríguez, D. A., Sengupta, R., Walker, J., & Chatman, D. G. (2021). Public Transit Use in the United States in the Era of COVID-19: Transit Riders’ Travel Behavior in the COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Period. Transport Policy, 111.

Parker, Madeleine, and Karen Chapple. Revisiting Rent Stabilization in the Neighborhood Context: The Potential Impact of Rent Regulation on Community Stability and Security in the New York Metropolitan Region, 46 Fordham Urb. L.J. 1137-81 (2019).

Professional reports

Deakin, Elizabeth, Jeremy Halpern, and Madeleine Parker. Examining the Potential for Uber and Lyft to Be Included in Subsidized Mobility Programs Targeted to Seniors, Low Income Adults, and People with Disabilities, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley (2020).

Adelberg, Samantha, Sean Andrew Chen, Shehab Chowdhury, Michael Fletcher, Tomer Kremerman, Kristen Kruger, Madeleine Parker, Nick Patane, Aparna Ramesh, and Hope Wollensack. Smart Cities:  Implementing Equitable Transit Initiatives. Policy Report, Princeton, NJ (2018).

Unpublished academic manuscripts

Parker, Madeleine. Test scores and neighborhood transitions: Emergent Asian enclaves in Silicon Valley (2014)

Undergraduate Honor’s thesis; received Von Humboldt Award for best Geography Honors Thesis (Dartmouth College).

Research in progress

Parker, Madeleine, Karen Chapple, and Yuju Park. Preserving affordability by transit: Strategies to target and extend transit-accessible affordable housing.